Dear students,
This is a message from me, our six Heads of School, our Associate Dean Education, our Director of Student Experience, and Faculty Executive Director – with a guest appearance from Beatrice the Labrador.
We are now reaching the end of T2 and we all hope you’re doing OK.
Many of you in Sydney have been managing the stay-at-home order for several weeks, while those of you joining us internationally may have been on-line all year, managing time differences and other challenges, none of which is easy.
With assessments due soon, we recognise this and these circumstances can cause a degree of anxiety and stress, and so we want to highlight the support systems UNSW has in place for you.
If you feel you are falling behind, or struggling in your course, you should reach out to the course convenor in the first instance. You will find their details on Moodle, and they will be best placed to advise you of specific course issues.
If there are short term issues, such as illness, that have impacted your ability to undertake assessments, you should consider applying for special considerations. Details on how to do this are here.
In particular at this time, maintaining your health and well-being is important. UNSW have compiled a number of resources and support systems here.
Finally, there are some quick links below to support your mental health which you may find useful at this time:
- Contact a Student Support Advisor for support with student and academic life or to connect you with the right services
Mental Health Connect – to help you find the help and support you need
UNSW Psychology and Wellness - a confidential counselling service
24/7 Medibank counselling available to all UNSW students in Australia 1800-887-283 and from your home country +61(2)8905-0307
- Lifeline - phone 13 11 14 for crisis support and suicide prevention
For support after hours, call UNSW Mental Health Support on 1300 787 026 for mental health acute care
- headspace - information for young people about coping with stress related to Covid-19
For emergency services – phone 000 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.
We always appreciate and value your feedback. myExperience for T2 is open until 12 August. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to let us know how you found your T2 courses.
Sending our very best wishes,
Claire (Dean), Phil (BE), Kim (Ed), Ed (A&D), Jan (SoSS), Michael (SAM), Timothy (HAL), Cath (AD Education), Alanya (Dir. SE), David (FED) and Beatrice (Labrador).
Photo credit: Beatrice celebrating her 4th birthday last month