This page outlines how to cite generative AI tools with APA referencing.
Text - large language models

Format for an APA citation for AI in the following order:
- Name of Company/creator of generative AI Tool
- Year
- Name of generative AI tool
- Month Date version
- Large language model
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (June 16 version) [Large language model].
In-text citation example
- A common example of a programming language is C++ (OpenAI, 2023).
- According to OpenAI (2023), when prompted with “Does the human brain have computational power than the most powerful computer?”, it appears there are …
Generative AI images

Here you can find APA referencing style for generative images.
It is important to include appropriate acknowledgement of images used in your assessments whether that be in a report, visual essay, PowerPoint presentation, video or other form of work. Images you create yourself (without the use of AI) generally do not need a reference. Images you create with generative AI should generally have a caption citation and may also be included in a reference list/bibliography. Check with your course convenor or assessment brief for specific requirements in your assessments.
This guide also covers non-AI generated images to illustrate the differences. Recommendations for how to reference AI-generated content may change in the future as referencing style manuals are updated.
In-text citation
You can refer to images in your text with the figure number, such as:
Figure 1 shows…
As illustrated in Figure 3…
… (see Figure 4).
Place the image close to its reference in the text, ideally on the same page and right after the relevant paragraph.
Caption (non-AI generated or AI generated that is not your own)
The figure number and caption text appear above the image and details about the image appear below. More information is available on the APA Style website.
Figure number
Note. From Title [Medium], by Artist, year, Website (URL). Creative Commons Attribution/Copyright.
Examples of medium types: Painting, Photograph, Map, Cartoon, Gen AI Image
If the artist’s name is unknown, use website name prior to year, followed by the URL.
Use n.d. when no date is available.
If the image has been modified, change the ‘From’ to ‘Adapted from’. If the image has been modified by yourself with AI, additional information may be required. Check the specific requirements of your assessment.
Example (non-AI generated)
Figure 1
Modern Australian Domestic Architecture
Note. From Rose Seidler House [Photograph], by newformula, 2008, Flickr ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Example (sourced AI generated image)
Figure 2
Fantasy World
Note. From Abstract art design. Fairy tale fantasy illustration. Fantasy world [Gen AI Image], by megavectors, n.d., Adobe Stock (
Caption (your own generative AI image)
APA 7th does not yet have guidelines for how to reference AI-generated images. Our recommendation below is based on MLA 9, which is similar to APA. It includes the prompt or question used to generate the image, the Gen AI tool employed and date created in the format of:
Note. Gen AI Image, “text of prompt” prompt, Gen AI Product Name with Version (URL), Date created.
Figure 3
Magical House
Note. Gen AI Image, “house in magical world” prompt, Adobe Firefly Image 3 (, 28 April 2024.
Reference list (non-AI generated or AI generated that is not your own)
Images you create yourself (with or without AI) generally do not need to appear in the reference list if appropriate information has been included in the image caption.
Artist (Year). Title [Medium]. Publisher/Website. URL
Example (non-AI generated)
newformula (2008). Rose Seidler House [Photograph]. Flickr.
Example (sourced AI generated image)
megavectors (n.d.). Abstract art design. Fairy tale fantasy illustration. Fantasy world [Gen AI Image]. Adobe Stock.
See also

Ethical and Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW
Head here to see a practical one-page guide on how to use Gen AI responsibly in your studies.

How to Navigate AI and Your Assessments
Find out how you can integrate artificial intelligence in your uni work and provide credits appropriately.