The Term 2 myExperience survey is now open!

Student sitting on a green lawn at UNSW

Term 2 2024 myExperience survey is open!

You have until Thursday 8 August to share your thoughts on your courses this term, and help shape the future of education at UNSW!

If you're not too familiar with the myExperience survey and why it matters, we've answered some frequently asked questions to help you out.

What is the myExperience survey?

The myExperience survey opens towards the end of each teaching period. It gives you the chance to share feedback on each of the courses you are enrolled in. 

In the survey, you will be asked to share your constructive thoughts on things like:

  • whether you think your assessment tasks are relevant,
  • whether you feel you were given feedback to help you learn,
  • what you thought about the course content,
  • your overall experience and satisfaction with the course,
  • sharing constructive feedback on your teachers (while being mindful not to use racist, sexist or discriminatory language*). 

Importantly, myExperience is completely confidential and what you say will never influence your marks.

*Learn more about the UNSW Student Code of Conduct.

Why does this survey matter?

It's a great way to constructively suggest some changes that would help students in the future. It's also an opportunity to shout out what worked well, and tell staff they’re doing an amazing job!

Your feedback helps to shape the UNSW of tomorrow and has a real impact on the experience of students in the years to come.   

What happens to my feedback?

Your comments go directly to staff and help them determine what worked well and not so well in the course. You can also view the results (excluding the comments) on the myExperience dashboard.

Did you know there is a whole division dedicated to Education and Student Experience at UNSW? Each faculty also has its own team responsible for gathering and implementing feedback, meaning UNSW has teams listening to you and ready to act!  

How is feedback put into action?

So that you can see the impact your feedback has had each teaching period, a page will be available in Moodle where teaching staff can inform students of the changes implemented as a result of myExperience survey responses.

Learn more about the myExperience survey.

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