Report Writing Checklist

physical presentation, legibility, layout stapled or comb-bound, folders should not be used
heading and sub headings developed logically and consistently at each level (eg. size and style of headings)
decimal numbering system used accurately and consistently, fourth level avoided
Tables and figures 
key tables/figures uses in text (others, if required, in appendix)
zeros and rounded numbers used for clarity sometimes
captions of tables/figures selected for specific differences between tables/figure
caption information consistent with text information
data in tables/figures consistent with data in report
symbols/labels/signs explained clearly
asterisks added explanatory notes of further information, abbreviations, sources etc. that do not fit into rows or columns
names/titles of people etc. spelt correctly & acknowledged fully
executive summary written to highlight and summarise significant information
table of contents matched exactly to text (e.g. titles of headings with decimal and pages numbering)
numbered sections with headings introduction, body (divided clearly and developed logically) and conclusions
definitions of new terms expressed accurately and clearly
abbreviations & acronyms written in full when first used
report self-contained include all relevant information
appendices each referred to in the text of the report
information content depth & appropriateness, use of sufficient reference material, author's opinion/key finding clearly stated
quality of discussion, conclusions relationship to content, summative quality
acknowledges all sources of information (other than your own) includes sources for diagrams and tables and wherever information is paraphrased or quoted in the text of the report. Referenced correctly twice, both in text and in reference list
fully documented reference list only one reference system used: author-date or numerical system-all elements included
punctuation and elements standardised exactly (e.g. order of elements, punctuation, capitals/case, formatting)
  the report has been adequately proof-read
wordiness redundant or unnecessary words and phrased omitted
sentences complete, tight, focued and varied in length
passive voice

used appropriately to emphasise the object of action rather than the agent

Passive: A large deviation was observed (object is large deviation - agent is unknown)

Active: I observed a large deviation (agent is I - object is large deviation)

parallel construction in lists

Where practical, begin each point in a list with similar grammatical pattern.

  • Density is reported in ...
  • Blast-hole diameter is usually reported in ...
  • Rock strength is reported in ...

Subjects and verbs are related in number and person

e.g. She does/we do/it does

other expression gender inclusive language, grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistent and appropriate tenses, fluency, correct word choice, conciseness, avoids cliches

(Adapted from Winkel & Hart, 1996, p.44)

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