The Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international scholarships and fellowships funded by the Australian Government that aim to contribute to the long term development needs of Australia's partner countries, in line with global, bilateral and regional agreements. The Awards strive to develop leadership potential and stimulate lasting change by empowering a global network of talented individuals through high-quality education experiences in Australia and overseas. Recipients return home with new ideas and knowledge, and the ability to make a significant contribution to their home countries as leaders in their field.

The International Student Compliance Team at UNSW manages the aid-funded inbound Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). As an AAS recipient you enjoy various entitlements, as listed below. For details, please see these FAQs.

  • Airport Pick-Up Service
  • Temporary accommodation upon arrival
  • Introductory Academic Program (IAP) prior to the commencement of your studies - COMPULSORY
  • Establishment allowance - Amount: $5,000 as a once-only payment.
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
  • Contribution to living expenses (CLE) - Rate: $94.53 per day / approx. $34,500 per annum
  • Tuition fees & Student Services and Amenities fees
  • Supplementary Academic Support (SAS) - SAS is accrued at a rate of $500 every 6 months.
  • Airfares for mobilisation and completion
  • Reunion airfares (if applicable)
  • Fieldwork travel (if applicable)
Student type Fieldwork trips available (during scholarship period)
Masters by Coursework
(compulsory research component only)
(Only if the awardee has not used the reunion airfare)
Masters by Research One
(Only if the awardee has not used the reunion airfare)
PhD Student Up to Three
(Only one trip if scholarship was accepted before 1 Feb 2015)


The DFAT website has an up-to-date list of countries currently eligible for these scholarships, with specific eligibility requirements or contact information for each country.

Australia Awards Leadership Program

These awardees are required to participate in a Leadership Development Program and associated costs are covered by DFAT.

Independent Opportunities 

Awardees can apply for up to $2,000 to attend a conference or other professional development activity.

AAS Policy Handbook

This Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook outlines the awardee's responsibilities and entitlements, gives information on student management and scholarship processes and is a good resource to refer to in the first instance if you have any questions about your scholarship program.

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