Getting Started with Moodle

Moodle Dashboard

The Moodle Dashboard is the first landing page that opens after logging into Moodle and is used to navigate between courses and key pages. It displays links to all your courses, and links to activities within them, such as unread forum posts and upcoming assignments.

You do not need to return to the Dashboard page to move from course to course. You can switch courses using the Navigation block or the Courses block within any course.

Finding Courses on Dashboard

The Moodle Dashboard groups important pages into different sections of the page for easy navigation.

You can simply click on the course name to access your course.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.

Managing Blocks and Dashboard view

Edit Moodle Dashboard

Your Moodle Dashboard view can be personalised by using the Edit Mode. You can move content around and add additional content to the page.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.


Reset Moodle dashboard view to Default

The reset to default option allows the dashboard to be reverted to the default view. This allows you to use the recommended dashboard layout.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.



Setting up your Profile and Preferences

Your profile determines what information other users can see about you in a Moodle course. It's also where you choose how you want to receive emails from Moodle and access other privacy settings.

Edit user profile settings

The Moodle profile page allows you to set personal details which you think may be useful for others to know; this can include city, country, contact information, time zone, and profile picture.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.

Edit Preferences

The preferences page allows you to control aspects of your account such as notifications and text editor preferences.

We recommend that within the "Forum preferences", you set the Email digest type field and When sending forum post notifications field to your preferred options.

  • The Email digest type field allows you to choose how often to receive forum notifications. The email digest can be enabled to group all forum notifications into a single daily email.
  • The When sending forum post notifications field allows you to determine whether posts in the forum will be marked as read once you receive the forum notification

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.

Edit privacy settings

The privacy settings page determines what information is visible to other users in Moodle. By default, the information is only visible to you and other staff.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.



What's the difference between a resource and an activity?

  • resource is any type of non-interactive digital content that your teacher has added to your Moodle course.
  • An activity is an item of interactive content created by your teacher using one of the Moodle tools (e.g. assignment, quiz).

Resources and activities will be grouped and displayed in different ways, depending on the course.

Can I change my email on Moodle?

Email addresses cannot be updated in the Moodle profile.

To update your email or set up your initial profile, please contact the IT Service Centre. Once they make the change, it will take about 24 hours to update in Moodle.

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