Moodle Quiz

The Moodle Quiz provides a set of questions to complete, generally within a set timeframe. It can be a simple, multiple-choice knowledge test or a complex, self-assessment task with detailed feedback. 

Always ensure to check the quiz description to understand how it will behave.


Starting a Quiz

Quizzes can be set up to allow you to complete it at any time. Alternatively, they can also be set up to be timed and only accessible during a certain time frame. It is very important to read the quiz description or get instructions from your lecturer as timed quizzes close automatically when the time runs out.

Access and Start a Quiz

Quizzes can be set up anywhere in your course. They can also be set with time restrictions, so that the quiz is only visible for a certain period of time.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.

To start a quiz, you must have your pop-ups enabled in your browser settings, as in most cases the quiz opens up in a new window.

How the Quiz will look

A Quiz can have many different question types within it, however the main features of the interface remain the same.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.



What if something goes wrong?

If you experience issues during your attempt when completing a quiz, you should immediately take a screenshot on your device. Please ensure the screenshot includes the full screen to identify as much information as possible. Make sure to note down the steps you took before the error occurred. This helps support your claim should you need to apply for a special consideration to attempt quiz once again. 

If you cannot find the quiz link in your course, make sure to check with your lecturer. Some quizzes can be restricted to only be visible from a certain date and time.

At all times, your first point of contact should be your lecturer/course convener.

Looking for other help?

Contact The Nucleus: Student Hub

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