Files and Uploading in Moodle

Upload a file

Recommended file size

Some upload limits (typically 200MB) have been set in Moodle — a warning message will display if your file exceeds these limits.

In general, try to keep your attachment file sizes as small as possible.

File extensions

Windows determines file types by their extensions. Before you attach a file, make sure that the filename contains an appropriate Windows extension (e.g. ".doc"). Mac users should take particular care to add file extensions to filenames, or PC users will be unable to open their attachments.

File Upload Methods

In certain Moodle activities, like assignment or forum, you will need to upload files from your device. There are several different ways to upload files to Moodle.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.


Using Private Files

The private files area is for holding files, for use in any of your courses, that you wish to remain inaccessible by other students or instructors. This is useful when you want to use a file for multiple courses, or when you want to access a file from multiple computers. There is a 100MB limit in your Private files storage and the capacity will be displayed when you upload files.

Note that files in the Private Files storage will still be visible to the Moodle administrator.

Access the private files area

The private files block is located on the right hand side drawer. If you do not have the Private files block added, you will need to do so from your Dashboard.

Login to Moodle and navigate to Dashboard to start.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.

Insert Image/Video

You can add photographs, diagrams, graphic material or videos to forum posts, blog posts or other contributions you make within your Moodle course. In some cases, graphics can illustrate the point you're making more efficiently than text.

Acceptable image file types are JPG, GIF and PNG.

Acceptable video file types include AVI and MP4.

Don't go overboard with graphics and videos in your posts. Some users have poor Internet connections, and lots of graphics videos may make it time consuming for them to load course pages.

Insert an Image

Add some images when contributing to your Moodle course! Images may be required as a part of the text submission, as well as helping add more information to the response you are providing.

This example will show how to add an image into a forum post.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.

Insert a Video

There is also an option to upload videos into the text field when required. Most of the time, video submission can be completed by following the same steps as adding an image.

Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.


Does the Private files Block have a storage limit?

Once you click "Manage Private files" in the "Private file" block, it gives you the indication at the top of how much storage is used and remaining. Note that some big files might not be uploaded due to the size limit.


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